Chosen Full Papers

About geometry of pentagonal double-layer

Examples of advanced analyses for straight bars

Review of own complex researches related to bar structures

Architecture proposed for new church in Modlin

Design of steel structures for a given level of reliability using partial safety factors calibration procedure

Full-scale testing of steel lattice towers: requirements, preparation, execution, challenges, and the results

Steel lattice tower reliability estimation for serviceability limit state

Structural behaviour and compressive strength of concrete rings strengthened with a polyurea coating system

Polyurea coating systems: definition, research, applications.

Structural analysis of long-span trusses of a speedway stadium roof


Registration form

Please send us a A TWO, FOUR or SIX PAGE ABSTRACT in accordance with template and guidelines for Authors placed in the DOWNLOAD section. Please send the abstract in its original file format (.doc).

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Regular participants (with abstract) - - PLN*

Participants in the conference remotely and accompanying people - - PLN*

* The registration fee does not cover accommodation.

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LSCE 2025 Conference fee, Name and Last name of participant