LSCE 2022

Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering in POZNAN



Organizing Committee:


Chairwoman of the LSCE'22 Organizing Committee: dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Rzeszut, prof. PP


Vice-chairman of the LSCE'22 Organizing Committee: dr hab. inż. Jacek Szafran, prof. PŁ, dr hab. inż. Robert Studziński, prof. PP


Secretary of the LSCE'22 Organizing Committee: mgr inż. Tomasz Szumigała


Members of the LSCE'22 Organizing Committee: mgr inż. Katarzyna Ciesielczyk, mgr inż. Maciej Dybizbański, mgr inż. Artur Matusiak,

mgr inż. Aleksandra Szczepańska


Scientific Committee:


Chairwoman of the LSCE'22 Scientific Committee: dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Rzeszut, prof. PP


Members of the LSCE'22 Scientific Committee:


Chiara Bedon

Bartłomiej Błachowski

Ewa Błazik-Borowa

Laszlo Dunai


Aguinaldo Fraddosio


Marcin Gajewski


Leroy Gardner


Marian Giżejowski


Jarosław Górski


Michał Guminiak


Eugeniusz Hotała


Piotr Iwicki


Robert Jankowski


Karoly Jarmai


Stanisław Jemioło


Marcin Kamiński


Aleksander Kozłowski


Tomasz Kubiak


Mieczysław Kuczma


Jörg Lange


Tomasz Lewiński


Przemysław Litewka


Amelia Loja


Leszek Małyszko


Jakub Marcinowski


Mariusz Maślak


Hartmut Pasternak


Zbigniew Pozorski


Tomasz Siwowski


Leopold Sokół


Robert Studziński


Wojciech Sumelka


Jacek Szafran


Jacek Szer


Maciej Szumigała


Andrzej Szychowski


Lucjan Ślęczka


Romuald Tarczewski


Elżbieta Urbańska- Galewska


Ryszard Walentyński


Paulo M. M. Vila Real









Registration form

Please send us a A TWO, FOUR or SIX PAGE ABSTRACT in accordance with template and guidelines for Authors placed in the DOWNLOAD section. Please send the abstract in its original file format (.doc).

On the last, additional page of the abstract, please provide information about your chosen method of participation in the conference (remote or traditional) and about your preferred method of presentation of the paper (presentation or poster) .

It is also possible to register without submitting a paper.

Register for the upcoming Conference

Participant Fees

Regular participants (with abstract) - 1500 PLN*

Participants in the conference remotely and accompanying people - 1500 PLN*

* The registration fee does not cover accommodation.

Bank transfer information:


Account holder:

Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej, al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warszawa, POLAND

Bank account number:

PL27 1240 2092 9522 1080 0100 0000

Transfer title:

LSCE 2024 Conference fee, Name and Last name of participant


*Please pay special attention to entering "LSCE" in the transfer title, otherwise the payment may not be processed properly.