23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!

General lecture of IASS President, Prof. S.J. Medwadowski. In the front profs S.Kuś, Z.S.Makowski, S. Du Chateau

Rector prof. M.Dietrich, dean prof. M. Knauff, prof.. J.B.Obrębski and Stephane Du Chateau at the moment before LSCE opening ceremony, 25.09.1995
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
The Colloquium was held in Novotel Hotel. There were technical sessions, posters exhibition and reception.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
The LSCE 1999 was held in the room of Civil Engineering Faculty Council on Warsaw University of Technology. There are accessible not numerous photos.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
The LSCE 2001 was organized in Wrocław, by Prof. Dr Hab. arch. Janusz Rębielak. The sessions were held in the room of Architecture Faculty Council on Wrocław University of Technology.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
The LSCE 2002 sessions and banquet, were held in Forum Hotel.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
This year the LSCE was organized in Cracow, by Prof. Dr Hab. Jerzy Białkiewicz. The sessions were in lovely small palace belonging to WSH in Cracow. After meeting lunch were organized in nearest restaurant. Unfortunately a photos were not taken or not available.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
The sessions were held in room of Civil Engineering Faculty at Rzeszów University of Technology.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!
The sessions of LSCE 2004 were held in lecture room, registration and coffee brakes in connected room of Civil Engineering Faculty Council, lunch and solemn dinner in academic restaurant.
23 Editions of the Conference cause that we have a rich history behind us ...
We would like to share archived documents with you, which are a fact that a wonderful past is behind us but also a bright future is still ahead!