Warsaw 5th - 6th of December 2024
XXX Jubilee Conference of Lightweight Structures
in Civil Engineering
Conference in Real Life and Virtual Meeting
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Speakers of XXX Jubliee Conference of Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering
5th - 6th December 2024
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XXX Jubilee Conference of Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering

XXX Jubilee Conference of Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering

Series of conferences organized by IASS Polish Chapters


The hybrid form of the Conference - XXX edition - Warsaw
5th - 6th December 2024


There are two equivalent ways in which Participants can fully attend the conference:


  1. Traditional participation – conference sessions held for two days at the Warsaw University of Technology campus (with publication of abstracts), accompanied by joint meals, coffee breaks and talks in the lobby. Last but not least, the event’s atmosphere provides new and old participants with a great opportunity to meet and establish professional relations.
  2. Remote participation – particularly suitable for foreigners and other guests who find it difficult or impossible to travel to Warsaw. With this form of participation, we provide full access to a web-based platform offering a real-time display of all presentations and lectures as well as options to listen to and actively participate in post-presentation discussions, ask questions and more. This form also allows Authors to present their reports which will be included in the abstract book .


You can also register for this year's edition of the Conference without the need to submit a paper.

Please use the registration form at the bottom of the web page directly.




( 1 )

Two, Four or Six Page Abstracts (template and guidelines placed in the DOWNLOAD section)

15 October 2024

31 October 2024


( 2 )


After the conference, there will be an opportunity to publish on preferential terms in the following journals:

Materiały Budowlane – paid publication

Engineering Transactions  – free of charge

Journal of Civil Engineering and Transport – free of charge

Articles must be consistent with the scientific profile of the journal and be formatted and submitted (after initial approval by the Conference Scientific Committee) according to the guidelines provided on the publisher's website. The Conference Scientific Committee cooperates with the editorial office in the review process.


Time remaining until the conference will start:
Important dates
Important dates

15 May 2024

Opening of the registration


15 October 2024

31 October 2024

Submission of abstract


30 October 2024

14 November 2024

Approval of abstrcts


15 November 2024

Conference fee payment deadline


5 December 2024

Seminar Opening


28 February 2025

Full paper submission to Scientific Committee of Conference


Scientific Committee


 Prof. PhD Eng. Romuald Tarczewski

Wroclaw University of Technology

(Chairman of the LSCE'24 Scientific Committee)

Members of the LSCE'24 Scientific Committee


Prof, PhD, MS, BCE
John Abel

Cornell University

Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. IPPT
Bartłomiej Błachowski

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences


Prof. PhD Eng.
Ewa Błazik-Borowa

Politechnika Lubelska


Prof, FHEA, PhD, MArch, MSc
Alireza Behnejad

University of Surrey


Prof, PhD
Jianguo Cai

Southeast University


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PW
Marcin Gajewski

Warsaw University of Technology


Prof. PhD Eng.
Jarosław Górski

Gdansk University of Technology


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PP
Michał Guminiak

Poznan University of Technology


Prof. PhD Eng.
Stanisław Jemioło

Warsaw University of Technology


Prof. PhD Eng.
Marcin Kamiński

Lodz University of Technology


Prof, PhD, MEng, BSc
Carlos Lázaro

President of IASS

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


Prof. PhD Eng.
Leszek Małyszko

University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PŚk
Paulina Obara

Kielce University of Technology


Prof, DSc, Hab.
Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti

Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PP
Zbigniew Pozorski

Poznan University of Technology


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PŚk
Urszula Radoń

Kielce University of Technology


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PŁ
Jacek Szafran

Lodz University of Technology


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PŁ
Jacek Szer

Lodz University of Technology


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PG
Agnieszka Tomaszewska

Gdansk University of Technology


Dsc. PhD Eng., prof. PŚ
Ryszard Walentyński

Silesian Technical University





Organizing Committee

Organizer of the LSCE'24 Conference

is Faculty of Civil Engineering

of Warsaw University of Technology


Prof. PhD Eng. Stanisław Jemioło
(Chairman of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)


Dsc. PhD Eng. Jacek Szafran, prof. PŁ
(Vice-Chairman of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)


Dsc. PhD Eng. Grzegorz Dzierżanowski, prof. PW
(Member of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)


Dsc. PhD Eng. Marcin Gajewski, prof. PW
(Member of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)

PhD Eng. Aleksander Franus
(Member of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)

PhD Eng. Inez Kamińska
(Member of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)

PhD Eng. Andrzej Piotrowski
(Member of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)

PhD Eng. Aleksander Szwed
(Member of the LSCE'24 Organizing Committee)


Conference Venue

Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Cicil Engineering

Al. Armii Ludowej 16

00-637 Warsaw, Poland




More information

It is our great pleasure and privilege to inform that this year Plenary and  Key Lectures will be delivered by

Prof. Charis Gantes

Prof. Charis Gantes

School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Dsc. PhD Eng. Grzegorz Dzierżanowski, prof. PW

Dsc. PhD Eng. Grzegorz Dzierżanowski, prof. PW

Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. PhD Eng. Romuald Tarczewski

Prof. PhD Eng. Romuald Tarczewski

Wrocław University of Technology
Dsc. PhD Eng. Jacek Szafran, prof. PŁ

Dsc. PhD Eng. Jacek Szafran, prof. PŁ

Lodz University of Technology
Prof. PhD Eng. Wojciech Gilewski

Prof. PhD Eng. Wojciech Gilewski

Warsaw University of Technology

Registration form

Please send us a A TWO, FOUR or SIX PAGE ABSTRACT in accordance with template and guidelines for Authors placed in the DOWNLOAD section. Please send the abstract in its original file format (.doc).

On the last, additional page of the abstract, please provide information about your chosen method of participation in the conference (remote or traditional) and about your preferred method of presentation of the paper (presentation or poster) .

It is also possible to register without submitting a paper.

Register for the upcoming Conference

Participant Fees

Regular participants (with abstract) - 1500 PLN*

Participants in the conference remotely and accompanying people - 1500 PLN*

* The registration fee does not cover accommodation.

Bank transfer information:


Account holder:

Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej, al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warszawa, POLAND

Bank account number:

PL27 1240 2092 9522 1080 0100 0000

Transfer title:

LSCE 2024 Conference fee, Name and Last name of participant


*Please pay special attention to entering "LSCE" in the transfer title, otherwise the payment may not be processed properly.