Prof. PhD Eng. Romuald Tarczewski

Wrocław University of Technology

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Romuald Tarczewski graduated from Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Wroclaw Polytechnic in 1984. After several years of work as a building site manager in the construction industry he started working at the Miastoprojekt Design Office in Wroclaw, passing all levels of his professional career up to the structural design team leader. In 1992 he started working at the Structural Department of the Faculty of Architecture at the Wroclaw University of Technology, being its head in years 2007-08 and 2010-12. He obtained his Doctor's degree in 2005 and habilitation in 2012. Since 2013 until now he is a Professor at the Department of Public Architecture, Basics of Design and Environmental Development at the Faculty of Architecture at Wroclaw University of Technology.

His research interests include: structural architecture, lightweight spatial structures, membrane and pneumatic structures, structural topology. He is authored and co-authored of about one hundred and forty publications on international scale. He participated in numerous international research projects.

Romuald Tarczewski is a member of many professional associations:

  • TensiNet Association, active in Working Group on Pneumatic Structures, since 2005;
  • Polish Ergonomics Association, since 2015;
  • International Association of Structures and Architecture , since 2017;
  • International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) , since 1996.

In the latter organization in the years 2010-2016 he was a member of the Executive Council, and since 2016 he has been a member of the Advisory Board. He was also a member of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

Since 2011 he served as Secretary, and from 2014 until now – Chair of the Permanent Committee of the Polish Chapters of the IASS. He was a member of several scientific committees of international conferences, often delivering invited lectures. He also has been reviewer for the International Journal of Space Structures (London) and several national journals. Since 2009 he has been reviewer for the IASS International “Hangai Prize” contest (University of Tokyo) and since 2016 is the Chair of the International Committee of the IASS Tsuboi Award.

Romuald Tarczewski is an active engineer whose works include a number of designed and realized buildings and engineering constructions.


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